Kick Your Stay Up to the Next Level!
When you stay at one of the themed Disneyland® Resort hotels, you’ll be staying right in the middle of all the excitement. Not only are these hotels just steps away from the Theme Parks and the Downtown Disney® District, they also provide you with the full Disneyland® Resort experience where you can keep the magic going day and night.
Why not turn your hotel stay into an unforgettable vacation? Choose to upgrade to a 2-night or longer Walt Disney Travel Company vacation package—including Theme Park tickets—and enjoy a variety of magical extras that will make your stay more memorable than ever!
*Savings based on the non-discounted price for the same room at the same hotel for select Sunday through Thursday nights between 10/26/14–12/18/14. Book from 9/17/14 through 11/19/14, with travel completed by 12/19/14. Blockout Dates of 10/31/14, 11/1/14, 11/7/14, 11/8/14, 11/13/14 through 11/16/14 and 11/21/14 through 12/13/14 apply. 20% savings available on Premium, Deluxe and Woods/Garden/Courtyard rooms; select Concierge rooms; and Paradise, Artisan and Regal suites. Ask about savings on other room types. Not valid on previously booked rooms. Advance reservations required. Subject to availability as the number of rooms allocated for this offer is limited. Excludes applicable fees and taxes. Limit two (2) rooms per reservation and five (5) people maximum per room. Not valid in combination with any other hotel discounts or offers. Subject to restrictions and change without notice. Separate Theme Park admission required to enjoy the Parks.